Sunflower Cupcake Bouquet (Standard & Large)


You can choose from:

  • Standard Bouquet of 7 standard sized Sunflower cupcakes
  • Large Bouquet of 13 standard sized Sunflower cupcakes.

A beautiful gift idea for birthdays, anniversaries, events or any occasion. Express your care or gratitude with this beautiful bouquet. Celebrate with flowers you can eat!

Available for pick ups only (for delivery requests, please contact us and an additional charge will apply). 

  • Buttercream florals, assorted flavours/fillings (you can message us for specific flavours/fillings).
  • Our popular flavours include: Banana, Chocolate, Vanilla, Lemon, Strawberry
  • Our popular fillings include: Caramel, Strawberry, Raspberry, Lemon-curd, Passion Fruit, Cream.
  • Contains: Dairy, Gluten, Corn, Soy, Salt, Sugar, Egg, Flavourings, Edible Colours

For any requests, e.g. only one colour, specific florals, specific flavour/filling, or dietary restrictions please send us a message using the messenger icon or call us on 0220217238 so that we know the specifications of your order.


"Standard – 7 pieces", "Large – 13 pieces"

Payment Method

"POLi Pay", "Direct Bank Transfer", "Credit Card/Debit Card/EFTPOS", "Google/Apple Express Checkout"

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